Civil Rights

KLG attorneys represent clients who have been subjected to unlawful arrests, detentions, searches, seizures, and police brutality. Our attorneys are also prepared to deal with civil rights claims involving: claims of cruel and unusual punishment; claims of violation of the constitutional right to free speech, religious freedom, due process, and equal protection of the laws; and claims of discrimination.
Discrimination can be based upon, or result in, any of the following:
- Sex
- Gender
- Sexual orientation
- Race
- Religion
- Age
- Disability
- Excessive physical force
- Physical assault
- Verbal abuse
- Violent threats
- False arrests
- Sexual abuse
- Assault
- Intimidation
- Racial profiling
Talk to Us Today
If you believe your civil rights have been violated, our team is ready and willing to defend your rights. Our attorneys have represented clients before the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD), which is our state’s civil rights agency; it is tasked with eliminating discrimination while advancing the civil rights of the residents of this state. If you have been discriminated against, you can file a complaint with MCAD within certain time constraints. Our attorneys can help you with filing this complaint and with taking all other legal action necessary to protect your rights in state or federal court.