Nursing License Defense FAQs

Boston Attorneys Defending Nurses in Licensing Hearings

Nurses in Massachusetts are bound by certain codes of conduct. If a nurse acts in a manner that someone believes constitutes a breach of those codes, a complaint may be filed against them with the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing (the Board). Such complaints could ultimately result in the loss of a nurse’s license, ruining both their career and their reputation. It is critical, then, for any nurse who has to defend a complaint before the Board to understand their rights and potential defenses. If you want to learn more about defending nursing licenses in Board hearings, it is advisable to read our answers to nursing license defense frequently asked questions, below, and to contact a lawyer promptly. The seasoned Boston nursing license defense lawyers at Koufman Law Group can assess the circumstances surrounding the complaint against you and advise you of your options for seeking a just outcome. Our office is located in Boston, and we frequently represent nurses in license defense hearings in cities throughout Massachusetts.

What is a nursing license defense hearing?

A nursing license defense hearing is a formal administrative proceeding conducted by the Board following a complaint alleging that a nurse engaged in misconduct or violated nursing regulations. The Board conducts such hearings to determine whether to take disciplinary action against the nurse’s license.

What actions prompt complaints to the Board?

Various acts may trigger complaints to the Board, including practicing without state credentials, neglecting to report suspected abuse, breaching patient confidentiality, practicing while impaired by drugs or alcohol, and abusing patients. Many complaints arise out of the violations of requirements surrounding controlled substances. Notably, actions outside of the workplace can trigger complaints as well. For example, failing to pay taxes or meet student loan or child support obligations may prompt a complaint. Additionally, any behavior likely to adversely affect public health, safety, or welfare can also prompt action from the Board.

Do I need legal representation for a nursing license defense hearing?

Nurses are not required to retain legal counsel for nursing license defense hearings. In most cases, though, an attorney can help them determine their rights, navigate the hearing process, and develop a strategy that provides them with a strong chance of obtaining a good result.

What happens during a nursing license defense hearing?

After receiving a complaint, the Board will assess its validity and may interview witnesses, including the nurse. The Board may also conduct an assessments of the nurse’s place of work and request documents from the nurse. Following the initial investigation, the Board will determine whether to conduct an informal or formal hearing. In an informal setting, both the nurse and complainant present arguments. Following an informal hearing, the board may then determine a formal hearing is necessary, and will send an Order to Show Cause to the nurse explaining the potential repercussions of the hearing.

What are the potential outcomes of a nursing license defense hearing?

If the Board concludes that there is insufficient evidence to support the allegations, the case may be dismissed, and no disciplinary action will be taken against the nurse’s license. However, if the Board finds evidence of misconduct or violations of nursing regulations, it may take disciplinary actions ranging from probation and suspension to license revocation. Additionally, the Board may opt to impose conditions on the nurse to allow them to continue to practice, such as requiring the nurse to undergo additional training or supervision for actions that prompted the complaint.

Speak with an Experienced Boston Nursing License Defense Attorney

Nurses undergo extensive training and testing to obtain their professional licenses, and if they learn a complaint has been filed against them that may jeopardize their license, they are typically concerned. If you need assistance formulating defenses to a complaint filed with the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Nursing, it is smart to speak with an attorney as soon as possible. The experienced Boston nursing license defense attorneys of Koufman Law Group are well-versed in what it takes to obtain successful outcomes in nursing licensure cases, and if you engage our services, we will work tirelessly to help you seek the results you deserve. We have an office in Boston, and we regularly represent nurses in license defense hearings in Boston and other cities throughout Massachusetts. You can contact us to arrange a confidential consultation through our form online or by calling us at 617-423-2212.

Client Reviews

Koufman Law Group, LLC retained me as an expert in a medical case. They effectively and thoroughly prepared for trial by, for instance, developing a good working knowledge of the content of my testimony. They also helped me determine the best manner by which I presented my expert testimony, and at...

Peter M. (Medical Expert - Malpractice)

I am a medical doctor who has worked with K&F on a number of cases. I am consistently impressed with the K&F team's collaborative approach, with their individual commitment, and with their strong litigation skills.

Thomas X. (Medical Malpractice & Civil Rights)

Attorney Koufman was able to do the job that two other attorneys couldn't and he got my case dismissed. I highly recommend him. He answered my phone calls and was extremely attentive to my case. He stuck up for me when nobody else would and he didn't let the system trample me.


I received a "Not Guilty" verdict. Everything was just fantastic. Attorney Koufman looked at every single thing. I am very happy about what he did. He's a very good lawyer. He's respectful. The jury was six women and one guy, and they liked him very much.


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